Lockheed Martin Mentor Video
In cooperation with Lockheed Martin, which is one of the key sponsors of the FIRST Robotics program, EMIT's documentary team produced a video on the role of a mentor and what it means to students in both the FIRST and EMIT Programs of Forest High School. Mentors have become an integral part of the EMIT program especially with their help within Team 3242 during the FIRST Competition seasons. They guide and teach students a variety of skills they would otherwise would not learn in a normal school setting. Many of these mentors are EMIT students who are giving back to the community in a way that most of them experienced in their time at Forest. Through these interactions with mentors, students also receive positive role models in the engineering and learn how to both work under higher individuals in a working environment and respect those above them.
What Makes a Great Teacher Video
An opportunity arose to make videos outlining the ideal aspects of a teacher, as seen through the eyes of the student, by request of Ms. Brookins, the founder and former director of EMIT. Ms. Brookins departed from EMIT in 2014, going on to work with the National Board Certification of Teachers as the Vice President and eventual CEO and President (as of 2015). Ms. Brookins made the request for such videos as to serve as examples for what a good teacher is and break that idea down to its core as to show the qualities that need to be both taught and sought after in terms of appointing teachers. EMIT gladly assisted Ms. Brookins and created two videos that exhibit a variety of EMIT strudents giving their personal beliefs on the ideas of what being a great teacher means to them.
The videos themselves serve as something more than just a guideline for what a great teacher is. No, the videos are much more than that. These videos and more importantly the traits sited within them in relation to great teachers are based off what these students have experienced through the years under the teaching staff of the EMIT program. These students were able to speak from their hearts for they truly believe that the quality of teaching they have experienced over their years is something that she be modeled in all teachers around the nation and world. Our team didn't need to look hard to find students who would gladly share their thoughts and at many times they didn't even need to ask. Overall the videos came out exceptionally and EMIT was glad to both share and hear the words of its students with Ms. Brookins as she uses those videos to serve as example of what teachers should be: GREAT.